Participare la manifestări științifice

AAG Annual Meeting 2012, February 24-28, New York City, New York

"Romanian Geography - State of Arts", Ioan Ianos - prezentare

"Land-use conflicts in post-socialist countries", Ioan Ianos, Igor Sirodoev - rezumat


IOAN IANOȘ (2013), International Conference “Migration, Emigration, Return Migration – Perspectives from Sending and Receiving Countries”, Bamberg-Germany, April 25-26.

IANOS I.,  MERCIU C., VAIDIANU N. (2012), Effects of the economic crisis in the labour market changes at the European Union level / Efectele crizei economice  în schimbările pieÅ£ei muncii la nivelul Uniunii Europene, Understanding Land, People and Environment: Research and Teaching Perspectives in Geography, University of Bucharest – Faculty of Geography, 10-11 Noiembrie 2012. 

VAIDIANU N., STOIAN D., SCHVAB A. (2012), How to achieve an inclusive growth by improving the skills of the labour force? / Cum se poate obtine o creÅŸtere inclusivă prin îmbunătăţirea compeÅ£entelor forÅ£ei de muncă? Understanding Land, People and Environment: Research and Teaching Perspectives in Geography, University of Bucharest – Faculty of Geography, 10-11 Noiembrie 2012.

IANOS, I., VAIDIANU N., MERCIU F.C., CERCLEUX, A.L. and SCHVAB, A. (2012) Bucharest-Sofia-Athens axis and cohesion increasing in the South-Eastern Europe urban system, III. Danube-region Cohesion International Scientific Conference, 5-6 Septembrie 2012, Donaujvaros, Hungary.

MERCIU F.C., VAIDIANU N., STOIAN D., MERCIU G., SCHVAB A., (2012), Capitalization of Romanian Industrial Heritage as Cultural Resource For Revitalisation Of Territories, Annual Seminary “Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: European Comparisons”, 18-26 Iulie 2012, Valencia, Spain.

Talanga Cristian, Stoian Daniela, Pintilii Radu, Cercelux Loreta (2012), Demographic aspects of the Growth Poles in the Balkans, “Understanding Land, People and Environment: Research and Teaching perspectives in Geography”, Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din BucureÅŸti, 10 – 11 noiembrie.

Cristian Drăghici, Daniel Peptenatu, Radu-Daniel Pintilii (2012), Poverty as auto-adaptive phenomenon in the North-East Development Region, “Understanding Land, People and Environment: Research and Teaching perspectives in Geography”, Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din BucureÅŸti, 10 – 11 noiembrie.

Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Cristian Drăghici, Andrei Schvab (2012), Dynamic of the Entrepreneurial Sector in the New Emergent Spatial Structures from the Urban-Rural Interface of Bucharest, The Fourth International Conference « Future of Europe. Rethinking Strategies in Emerging Economies » Facultatea de RelaÅ£ii Economice InternaÅ£ionale, ASE, BucureÅŸti, Romania, 8 - 9 noiembrie.

Pintilii Radu Daniel, Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Drăghici (2012), Spatial Profile of Poverty in the North-Est Development Region, The 5th International Conference Regional Disparities – Typology, Impact, Management, BabeÅŸ-Bolyai University, Regional Geograpy Center, Cluj-Napoca, România, 20-21 octombrie.

Florentina Cristina Merciu, Daniel Peptenatu, Loreta Cercleux, George Merciu, Cristian Draghici, Radu Pintilii (2012), Winter Sport Tourism – A Challenge for Sustainable Development: Case study: the Parang Resort (Romania), Pro Mountains: Tourism-Environment-Sustainable Development, Busteni, Romania, 7-9 septembrie.

Radu Pintilii, Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Drăghici, Loreta Cercleux, Cristina Merciu, Andrei Schvab (2012), Characteristics of the Demographic Ageing in the Rural Systems of the South Western Development Region, The 5th International Conference Rural Space and Local Development, Rural Mountain Areas. Experience, Preservation, Trends and Future Challenges, Sighetu Marmatiei, Romania, 18-22 iulie.

Loreta Cercleux, Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Drăghici, Radu Pintilii, Bianca Simion (2012), Les Ecomusees comme outil d’amenagement du territoire en Roumanie: Evolution, Role et Enjeux, XIe Seminaire International: Initiatives Entrepreneuriales et Developpement Regional: Comparaisons Europeennes, Valencia-Castellon, Spania, 15-21 iulie.

Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Drăghici (2012), Hanurile Manastirii Cernica din Bucuresti, a 13-a ediÅ£ie a Simpozionului « Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie », BucureÅŸti, 19-21 aprilie.

Cristina Merciu, Loreta Cercleux, Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Drăghici, Radu Pintilii (2012), Le patrimoine architectural de Roumanie associé à l’industrie – perspectives de conservation et mise en valeur (Poster), La Quatrième Rencontre Internationale sur le Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen RIPAM 4, 10-12 Avril 2012, L'institut de gestion et techniques urbaines et le Laboratoire Techniques Urbaines et Environnement, Université de M'sila.

Daniela Stoian, Andrei Schvab, Cristian Drăghici (2012), SpaÈ›iile publice È™i funcÈ›iile acestuia, Seminarul Geografic InternaÈ›ional ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, EdiÈ›ia a XXXII-a, 12-14 octombrie 2012, IaÈ™i, România.

Schvab Andrei, Peptenatu Daniel, Stoian Daniela (2012), The emergence of a new economic profile of Baia Mare city, International Conference Future of Europe 2012, 9-10 noiembrie, BucureÈ™ti.

Schvab Andrei, Stoian Daniela, Merciu Cristina (2012), Economical disparities within functional areas. Case study: Baia Mare influence area. International Conference Regional Disparities, 20-21 octombrie, Cluj-Napoca.

Cristian Talanga, Daniela Stoian, Radu Pintilii (2012), The dynamic of socio-demographic structures in the metropolitan area of a great growth pole in South-Eastern Europe: Bucharest, III. Danube-region Cohesion International Scientific Cohesion, College of Dunaujvaros (Hungary), 5-6 Sept. 2012.

Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Draghici, Radu Pintilii, Loreta Cepoiu, Cristina Merciu, Daniela Stoian (2012), Qualitative Changes in the Entrepeneurial Sector in Craiova’s Urban Fringe. 5th Edition if the International Conference. Rural Space and Local Development, 18-22 July, 2012, Sighetu Marmatiei, Romania.